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Bodybuilding Glossary

Strip Sets

Drop sets or Strip sets are well known as the best method to improve intensity and build original growth. If one is not achieved success after a regular set, one can perform more if one uses a lighter weight.

How to do:

Drop sets or Strip sets should perform on the last position of the part of body and do it only once per week. One can perform with a partner for helping strip the weights off. Begin with a heavy weight that one can be received about 4 to 6 reps and perform as many as one can, strip about ten percent of the weight off the bar and perform as many reps as one can with same weight, strip ten to twenty percent off and rep out again. One should take relax for 3 minutes and perform it for a second time.

The other version of strip sets is known as down the rack. Using dumbbells, commonly for curls biceps, performs this. One begins at a relatively intense weight that one may get 4 to 5 reps with take the subsequently duo of dumbbells.


Super sets are the mixture of different two physical exercises for the part of the body and performed simultaneously. They give amazing results and should perform once and maybe each third exercise for part of body.

The following are the good combinations:

Back: Lat Pull downs and seated rows

Shoulders: Rear or side laterals and behind the neck press

Chest: Flies and Bench Press

Legs: Knee extensions or leg press and squats

How to do:

Perform the initial physical exercise to failure and then switch to the other and go to failure. With a several forced reps if one has a partner to stain one. One can choose any exercises one wants, however it is the best to have a fundamental movement first and then have an isolating movement. Select a weight that one gets from 8 reps to 12 reps with every exercise.

Compound sets are just like supersets excluding the physical exercises are to oppose muscles in place of the same muscle. It is the best to pump up and force growth into the muscles. One gets different parts of body in same time it commonly takes to perform.

How to:

Select exercises to oppose muscle sets, mainly one exercise will pull and another will push. The major opposing sets may include chest and back, biceps and triceps, shoulders and lats and quadriceps and hamstrings. Perform the initial exercise to stoppage and as soon as possible perform the other exercises. It takes about two minutes relax and perform it again and again.

The following are few good combinations of exercise:

Quads and Hamstrings: Leg curls and Squats

Back and chest: Seated Rows and Bench press

Shoulders and Lats: Lat Pull Downs and Shoulder Press

Arms: Curls biceps and extensions triceps

Partial Reps

Partial reps are used a section of the series of movement in a rep. There are three fundamental methods to do this:

Begin from the apex and lower weight division of the system down.

Begin from the bottom and increase the weight division of the system up

One uses a series in the central.

These ways are very beneficial if one gets stuck in a rep, one can be worked the area that is the pathetic dot.

Drop Sets

One does common set to collapse in drop sets, then no taking any relax continue with other failure set with decreased weights.

Super slow

One does every rep very slow. For example, one takes rest for few seconds while performing biceps curl for the upward movement and takes 4 seconds for downward movement.