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Rosemary is also known as Rosemarinus officinalis. It is a perennial plant that survives more than three years with evergreen and perfumed leaves. It belongs to mint family that contains other plants and herbs.

It is grown in the Mediterranean area. This kind of shrub is cultivated about 2 meters. The leaves of Rosemary are 2.5mm broad and 2.4 cm long.

Rosemary flowers are differed in colors such as blue, white, purple or pink.

The word ‘Rosemary’ is taken from the Latin language rosmarinus that means dew of the ocean. The dried and fresh leaves are utilized usually in Mediterranean food like an herb.

They have an astringent and bitter flavor that balances oily foods like oily and lamb fish. They are widely used in food preparation. When rosemary burns, it provides a different mustard odor.

As it bears some level of drought, it is also utilized in landscaping, particularly in regions having a Mediterranean weather. Actually, It can die in over-watered mud, but is otherwise quite simple to cultivate for trainee gardeners. Rosemary has been applied for topiary and it is simply cut into shapes.

Rosemary has been cultivated for numbers of years. So, it derives its benefits from an extended catalog of claims regarding its medicinal value containing application as a tonic, a treatment for muscles spasm, headaches and depression. It is considered as a stimulant for bile development and a supporter of menstrual flow.

This herb is a stimulant of circulatory system. It is also utilized externally for treating wounds, bites, sores, bruises, stings and eczema. It is also applied in lotions to ease arthritis and rheumatism. It is also known to make a good smelling hair clean that can stimulate expansion of hair and keep away from dandruff. It is the most excellent and effective herb for oily hair and useful in restoring the levels of oil.

Rosemary has antimicrobial and antiseptic properties and it is beneficial to reduce skin problems such as neuralgia, athlete’s foot, shingles, psoriasis and eczema. If it is taken internally, it helps to stimulate the sexual organs, decrease bad breath and treat migraines. It is helpful to treat upset stomachs and nervous problems and to control the cycle of menstrual. Add the crush leaves of rosemary into salads, meats, potato or fish to avoid food poisoning.

Rosemary essential oil is beneficial to improve concentration and memory. It is important to take dosage of rosemary as directed by health care providers.