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Weight loss FAQ

Weight loss is the most burning issue. There are many frequently asked questions about weight loss that includes the queries about different exercises and diet programs to control the weight.

What should be the ideal weight?

The ideal weight is calculated by so called Body mass index. The index is based on the proportion of height against the weight. The BMI calculator is provided online by many health sites.

What are the health problems caused by obesity?

The problem of obesity enhances the risk of getting some fatal heath problems like fatigue, diabetes, heart problem and many more. The individual with more than 10% overweight are more likely to develop the 2nd type of diabete.

What is the role of exercise in controlling the weight?

The exercises play an significant role in controlling the weight. It helps to burn more calories and makes the muscles stronger. An individual can start with the low intensity exercises and gradually try to make it high intense to get the best benefits without causing any injuries.

Best weight loss exercises ?

Any exercise or physical workout is helpful to control the weight. The walking and jogging is considered to be the best exercise of adults for weight control. The active individual can take hard physical workouts to control the weight.

How to decide the calorie level ?

Most of the weight loss advisors suggest low calorie diets that include 1000 to 1500 calories for the day. However, the two factors that decide the right calorie level are weight and activity level. The right level of calorie is to be decided with the help of a trained dietician or using the standard low calorie diet plan.

How to get good nutrition while having diet?

It is very crucial to have essential nutrients while having the diet. One can take help of the nutrition facts and food pyramids to make a low calorie nutritional diet plan. In addition to that vitamins and minerals can be taken as supplement.

How to avoid re-gaining of the weight ?

It is one of the common problems with most of the quick weight loss programs. To avoid the weight gain one must stick with the exercises and perform it regularly.