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What is Sermorelin?

Sermorelin, also called “Geref”, is a growth hormone analogue. This bio identical hormone is genetically engineered for simulating GHRH or “Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone”. GHRH is secreted by hypothalamus in the body, which lies right next to the pituitary gland. Sermorelin is a fragment of GHRH – the shortest functional fragment. Sermorelin has recently been made famous because of doping incidents in sports. However, despite being banned in sports, it is still effective.

What Is GHRH?

GHRH consists of the natual growth hormone’s 29 essential amino acids, and is a peptide. It simulates the human body’s pituitary gland to release growth hormone. The essential amino acids found in GHRH are the active acids. As people age and get older, the production of hormones by pituitary is slowly depleted. GHRH restores the levels of GH-RNA to levels similar to those of a youth, causing an elevation of IGF-1. Sermorelin Acetate increases human growth hormone in a safe and effective manner.

How Is Sermorelin Available?

Sermorelin is available in an injectable multi-dose vial form. In every vial, there is 15mg of lyophilized Sermorelin in the form of a powder disc. In order to preserve hormone peptide, this vial is usually vacuum sealed. It is done by the pharmacy to protect the user as well. In order to use Sermorelin, a diluent is also necessary but it does not have to be bought separately. Bacteriostatic water is provided with Sermorelin vials. It is mixed with Sermorelin to create a solution which can later be injected. Usually, the prescription contains information about how to prepare the injection, administer Sermorelin, and store it.

How Is Sermorelin Taken?

The injections of Sermorelin are similar to those of insulin injections that diabetics use. The needle is pretty small and it is injected subcutaneously in the fat of the body. Initially, it might be necessary to take daily injections but as time passes, the frequency can be reduced.

When Should Sermorelin Be Taken?

The body’s growth hormone is typically released when the person is asleep. This is because when you are asleep, the body recovers and repairs itself, and the growth hormone often helps with that. This is why the growth hormone simulating Sermorelin should be taken before going to bed. It promotes sleep as well, and if it is taken during daytime, it can disrupt daily activities by making the user sleepy and tired. Its benefits are also enhanced if it is taken before bedtime since it does its job better.

How Is the Effectiveness of Sermorelin Measured?

Both IGF-1 and HGH have a pulsatile nature which is why, for the sake of accuracy, one blood draw is usually not enough. When physicians recommend Sermorelin (and other peptides), they measure its effectiveness with the help of symptomology. In this, the symptoms are studied to check if they are improving and the benefits are taking effect. Appearance and physical measurements follow symptomology. Frequent and regular blood tests are also used for checking the effectiveness of Sermorelin.

What Are The Benefits of Sermorelin? – Sermorelin has a lot of benefits

Weight Loss – In order to manage weight successfully, proper growth hormone levels are extremely essential. With Sermorelin, the hypothalamus and pituitary and spurred on to secrete growth hormones. The wave pattern is the same as that of a younger body and the fat stores (reason for a bulky figure) are depleted because of this.

Better Immune System – Immunity is improved with Sermorelin. The wounds heal quickly and if the patient has had recent surgery, recovery is quickened.

Better Sleep – People who were previously finding it difficult to sleep have reported that after taking Sermorelin regularly, their sleep pattern has been restored. The quality of sleep is also improved significantly.

Improved Energy Levels – When the hormone levels in the body as sufficient and proper, it usually leads to high energy levels. Moods are also improved because of Sermorelin.

Strengthened Bones – Sermorelin improves the strength in bones.

Body Changes – After regular usage of Sermorelin (usually 3 – 6 months), body changes become noticeable. A leaner physique because of lean muscle mass is noticed. Also, the muscle tone is increased. Over time, Sermorelin also leads to a better skin tone.

Once the right HGH levels are achieved with Sermorelin, it is not necessary to keep taking Sermorelin injections. Many people stop them altogether and switch to an exercise and diet regime to maintain their new healthy body. This involves healthy eating and working out regularly. Even while taking Sermorelin, a good workout and balanced meal can be helpful.