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Myths and Facts About Weight Loss and Nutrition

Myth – Low-carbohydrate or High-protein diets are the best method to decrease body weight.

Fact – Nobody knows the long-term health results of a low-carbohydrate or high protein diet. However, consuming daily calories from high-protein foodstuffs such as cheese, meat and eggs is not well-balanced dieting plan. One can be consumed large amount of cholesterol and fat. One should take large quantity of fresh vegetables and fruits and whole grains that may give result as constipation because of deficiency of dietary fiber. Taking a low-carbohydrate/high-protein diet may also make one experience weak, nauseous and tired.

Myth – Fad diets are the most excellent method to lose body weight.

Fact – No, it is not the best and permanent way to decrease body weight. Fad diets usually cut specific foodstuffs from the diet or assure fast weight loss. It is not easy to follow diets that severely limit calories. A numbers of people immediately get tired and recover any reduced body weight.

It is considered that fad diets may not be healthy, as they may not offer nutrients the body requirements. As well as, reducing body weight at high speed may increase the higher risk of associating gallstones.

Myth – Particular foods such as cabbage soup, grapefruit or celery are beneficial to decrease body weight.

Fact – No, this is not right, no certain foodstuffs can burn fat. A few foodstuffs enrich with caffeine may be enhance metabolism for few days, but they are not useful to decrease body weight.

Myth – A person can decrease body weight by consuming whatever one desire.

Fact – A person requires using more calories that one eats for decreasing body weight. One requires enhancing physical activity daily or limiting the calories one takes in daily. One should consume less quantity of food and selecting low calories foodstuffs.

Myth – Fast foods are not healthy choices and one must not take them while dieting.

Fact – It is fact that fast foods can be an essential part of weight loss plan with a bit of experience.

Myth – Fat-free or low fat indicates no calories.

Fact – A fat-free or low-fat foodstuff is usually come with low calories as compared to same quantity of full-fat item. However, lots of processed fat-free or low-fat foodstuffs have lots of calories. They may include starch thickeners, sugar or flour to increase texture and flavor after fat is taken away.

Myth – Herbal or natural weight-loss products are effective and safe.

Fact – A weight loss item that is herbal or natural is not very effective and safe. These food items are not generally scientifically tested to prove that they are effective and safe. For instance, natural or herbal weight loss products including ephedra have associated severe health conditions and still death.