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Losing Weight

The best method to loose weight is to reduce the diet instead of taking fad diets, crash diets and sudden bursts of exercise because slow changes is suited by the body in terms of exercise and food. Any person who has not exercised for many years and suddenly runs 3 miles every day is not suited by the body.

So, the exercise should be increased slowly. People eating too much or in excess quantity and suddenly begins starving will suffer from various problems. So, the person should start with the light exercises like walking which will reduce their weight.

Exercise helps in reducing calories and some quantity is stored as a fat in the body. The person doing regular exercise by taking adequate diet and calories then the person certainly will loss weight.

If the person takes less diet i.e 500-800 kcal then one can loose weight up to 1-2 pounds in a week. Weight loss mainly depends from person to person and one can loose weight fast during first or seconds weeks because of loss of water in the body.

One should also do some aerobic exercises along with reduction in diet and how much fats, carbs, calories and proteins should be taken, they should check in the calories chart.

Reduction in Calories

One can reduce their calories which in turn loose weight can be done in the following ways such as:-

One should cut out the tip of the meat and avoid processed meat like grill, salami or roasted meat without the addition of fat.

One should avoid refined grain products like white rice and white floor or refined carbohydrates such as sugar.

One should reduce the intake of alcoholic drinks.

One should also avoid visible fats like cream, butter, cooking oils etc and invisible fats like biscuits and cakes, pastries, cheese and yogurt.

One should eat more of boiled legumes like beans, lentils etc which gives them more protein and contain less quantity of fats.

One should increase the consumption of unrefined carbohydrates like whole grain rice, plenty of green vegetables, whole meal bread and fresh fruits.

One should eat a healthy and balanced diet and drink plenty of water which will help in reducing calories and weight.

One can also take the right amount of calories after calculating according to the appropriate proportion. One should also write down their weight after every week in a diary just to check that how much they are loosing their weight in every week.

The person can also contact the weight loss institutions for more information about losing weight and then follow steps according to that.