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Jenny Craig Weight Loss Program

It’s more than 20 years since the weight loss program of Jenny Craig came into execution, but it received popularity in actual means in recent days. The all credit for this goes to celebrity Kristie Alley, who achieved the goal of reducing around 100 pounds of weight by following Jenny Craig Weight loss plan. The Jenny Craig plan is now highly popular in Canada and throughout United States. Its popularity is steadily growing in the areas throughout Australia and New Zealand.

This diet program is actually based on extending the healthy connection with food by keeping an eye on rational portions and good nutrition, and providing motivation for an effective life style.

The Jenny Craig program for weight loss provides a complete pre planned food guide to its participants. Each plan is based on the weight loss goal of each individual. There is a vast range of plans to select from. Each plan is designed to help one lose weight slowly and progressively.

The participants are made to follow the plans by the meal provided to them by the company. Participants purchase the specially designed and prepackaged meal provided by the company itself. Once the participant reaches the half of his goal point in the diet, one is then allowed to cook the food by own 3 or 4 times weekly, to include in the weekly meal plan. The cooked food should be based on the recipes that are provided in the plan by Jenny Craig.

In addition, the participants are provided with weigh-ins and individual counseling session every week. The consultations about any doubts or problems are also available for the participants on the phone or through emails.

The provided counseling sessions are there for helping and motivating the participants to continue the healthy eating habits not only for the weeks of diet plan, but throughout lifetime. This will help one to maintain the weight that one has achieved after undergoing the tough plan.

The plan also encourages healthy workouts after healthy meals. Jenny Craig encourages the participants to perform physical activities at least 5 days a week and each workout plan should be of minimum 30 minutes. Exercising not only enhances the property of weight loss but it also let one to stay more active.

Salient features of Jenny Craig Plan:

Each participant of the Jenny Craig is assigned individual “personal consultant”.

If one lives near any branch of Jenny Craig center and has signed up in the weight loss program, one will have the opportunity to meet face-to-face with the consultant and will be weighed every week.

One can also let the counseling done at home with the direct At-home program of Jenny Craig.